The Energy of a Live Performance
– Powered by Kia

Dear Media Partners,

We hope you can join us at an exclusive event,
where we’re excited to share a new commitment to Southern California.

The Forum
3915 Pincay Dr, Inglewood, CA 90305
Enter through the Forum gate on Pincay Dr. to meet our staff
April 4, 2022, 11 AM

This Acknowledgment of COVID-19 Risk and Release and Liability (the “Release”) relates to: The Energy of a Live Performance – Powered by Kia (the “Activity”)

In consideration for Xen Media, Inc. (“Xen Media”), on behalf of Kia America, Inc. (referred to herein as the “Company”), allowing me to participate in this Activity, I, for myself, and on behalf of my representatives, heirs, next-of-kin, insurers, successors and assigns, agree as follows:

  1. Participation in the Activity can result in personal harm, loss, damage, injury, or death. I accept these risks and, to the fullest extent allowed by law, I waive and release any potential claim against Xen Media, Company, and each of their directors, officers, employees, agents, and contractors and their affiliate companies (collectively, the “Releasees”), that might in any manner arise from my participation in the Activity. Neither Xen Media nor Company warrants or guarantees that any physical location, instruction/coaching, equipment, or supervision is safe or appropriate for such Activity. At all times, it is my sole and separate obligation to protect and ensure my own safety.
  2. I am solely responsible for determining whether I am physically and medically able to participate or continue to participate in the Activity, and my participation in the Activity is completely voluntary.
  3. COVID-19 Warning - High Risk Illness Factors: I understand that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) has identified the following conditions as being at a higher risk for severe illness for COVID-19: People 65 years and older; and, people of any age with underlying medical conditions, including: chronic lung disease; moderate to severe asthma; serious heart conditions; immunocompromised; severe obesity; diabetes; chronic kidney disease; liver disease; and hypertension. Without divulging my age or any medical information about myself, by participating in the Activity, I confirm that I do not meet the CDC’s high risk criteria nor does anyone in my household.
  4. Acknowledgement of CDC Guidelines. I have read the attached Schedule “1”, Schedule “2” and Schedule “3” and understand and will comply with the CDC Guidelines at all times during the duration of the Activity.
  5. I will be personally liable for all costs of treatment or care, or other financial expenditures, losses, harm, or impairment that might arise from my participation in the Activity.
  6. I will conduct myself in a safe and reasonable manner. I will not participate in the Activity while under the influence of medication, drugs or alcohol, or while suffering from any medical, health or other condition (including, but not limited to, illness or injury), that might in some manner potentially cause harm or injury to me, to another participant, or to the property of Xen Media or Company. I will defend and indemnify the Releasees in response to any claim for injury, damage, or loss arising in any manner from my participation in the Activity.